Project 20 – 280 books to prisons in Maryland and New Jersey

On December 10, 2022 we launched this project to send 280 books to two prisons in Maryland and New Jersey.


This was our first time sending books to the Muslim inmates in the state of Maryland specifically in Western Correctional Institution.  This prison has about 500 Muslims inmates so we were very excited to provide them with:
New Jersey
Alhamdulilāh we were very happy to donate to one of our respected brothers teaching at a couple of prisons in New Jersey:

It was a blessing to see our supporters rushing to donate generously to aid the incarcerated Muslims with authentic religious materials. Alhamdulilāh, on December, 14 2022, we met our goal and notified our supporters of this great news.

We swiftly went about getting a total of 190 books shipped to the Muslim inmates in Maryland. Shortly after, another shipment was made to the Muslim inmates in New Jersey comprising a total of 90 books.

The demand for Islamic literature is high in the prisons and we are diligently working to ensure the Muslim inmates have access to authentic Islamic materials free from deviation and distortion. By Allah’s permission, your continued support is critical in helping us assist our incarcerated brothers and sisters. Be a means to good and help spread our projects and activities on our Twitter and website as you can reap the reward for aiding in the spread of authentic Islamic literature within the prisons. Baarka Allah feekum.

We conclude by thanking all those who supported either monetarily or simply making dua’a. All praise is due to Allah, the One who brings all good things to completion.