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Getting Authentic Islamic Books to our Incarcerated Muslim Brothers and Sisters
Our goal is to help Muslims show their love and support for their incarcerated brothers and sisters, by cooperating to send them authentic Islamic books in bulk, free of charge to them.
Aside from a few organizations who regularly send Salafi materials to Muslim inmates, like Masjid as-Sunnah IAP and Dar Salafiyyah PBD (may Allah bless and reward them both), we have seen a weakness in our regular support for donations to striving Muslim inmates. They are our brothers and sisters, and as we enjoy and benefit from our Salafi lessons and books, we want them to likewise enjoy and benefit. They face hardships that many of us cannot begin to comprehend, so we do this to try and implement what comes from our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace):
“Whoever alleviates a worldly burden from a believer, Allah alleviates one of his burdens on the Day of Judgment. Whoever makes things easy for someone facing hardships, Allah provides him with ease in this life and the Next…” (Saheeh Muslim)
This cooperative initiative is managed by Abu Aasiyah Jibreel Harding out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We launched our first project on November 1, 2020. Al-hamdu lillah, we were humbled and motivated by the readiness of the Muslims to support our project. We plan to develop our service and set up its structure as a non-profit organization in the near future, in shaa’ Allah.
We reach out to and coordinate with the Chaplaincy Departments of state and federal prisons in America to assess the number of their Muslim inmates and their educational situation and needs. Then we match all of that with appropriate Islamic educational materials. We then raise funds to cover the wholesale purchase of a bulk order of a single title or more, and then send those books into the facility, without taking any compensation from the prisons or the inmates.