Project 5 – 112 Copies of Two Hikmah Publications Titles for Muslim inmates at Toledo Correctional Institution, Ohio
This was another opportunity for our supporters to purchase – 56 copies of Hikmah Pubs‘ “Prophet’s Prayer Described” & 56 copies of “A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim” at a wholesale price for 100% free distribution to the Muslim inmates at Toledo Correctional Institution, Ohio. For this project we needed a total of $1456 to buy these books and have them shipped to the facility.
We launched our fundraiser via PayPalMoneyPool on December 17, 2020. We utilized our Twitter page to raise awareness of the fundraiser and Alhamdulillāh we received a good response with people donating generously to this cause.
On December 18, 2020 the full amount was raised by Allah’s permission with a total of 26 contributors chipping in. We ask Allah to bless them in their wealth and grant them success!
The books were then purchased and shipped to the facility. We will provide a further update once we receive confirmation of delivery in shaa Allah.

UPDATE [9 February, 2021]: The chaplain emailed us to confirm that the books have been received and distributed to the Muslim Inmates. They sent their thanks and appreciation.