Project 13 (SPECIAL) – 330 Ramadhaan Books for Muslim Inmates at Upstate Correctional Facility, NY, and Pennsylvania
We informed our supporters that we needed to raise $3,297, to send 330 copies of Bakkah Publications’ latest workbook- “Ramadhaan Lessons from the Noble Quran and Authentic Sunnah, Volume 4: Daily Classes for the Month of Ramadhaan 1442 (2021)” to the Muslim Inmates in Upstate Correctional Facility,NY, and a facility in Pennsylvania. We set up a PayPal Donation Pool on March 22, 2021 for contributions and we also announced it on our Twitter. This was an amazing project as very special coordination had gone into it, with cooperative chaplaincy departments who agreed to get the audio recordings day by day in Ramadhaan so these inmates can follow along in shaa Allah.
We raised and exceeded the funds on the same day(March 22, 2021) after receiving a total of 27 contributions walhamdulilāh. The extra funds will go towards the launch of our next project in shaa Allah.
We made duaa to Allah that He grant us all success to reach Ramadhaan in good health and wellbeing. This sort of coordination was something that is rarely accomplished, so we ask Allah to reward our supporters greatly for their assistance and concern.
UPDATE [April 13, 2021]: Great news! The books have been delivered and the chaplain informed us that the inmates have received their copies. Alhamdulilāh! their chaplaincy department has undertaken special efforts to deliver the recordings daily as they are released on the outside into the prison by way of the inmate channel in shaa Allah. What a blessing!
UPDATE [April 14, 2021] : Alhamdulilāh! the chaplain informed us the lessons were being played on a religious channel that the inmates had free access to in their cells and lobby area. The inmates confirmed that it played all night, and it went very well. They were able to use the workbook along with the classes walhamdulilāh!
We thank Allah for facilitating this project for us. We also thank everyone that contributed to the success of this project. May Allah accept it from you and make it heavy on your scales. Ameen!