Books to the Muslim Inmates

Project 19 – 294 books to the Muslim Inmates in a Pennsylvania Prison

This project was launched on October, 26, 2022 and the goal was to purchase at a wholesale price, 294 books for free distribution to the Muslim inmates in a Pennsylvania prison.

The list of books and the quantities to be purchased for the inmates were:

  • 30 x Forty Hadeeth Workbook: A Complete Study Guide – @BakkahPubs
  • 30 x The Three Fundamental Principles & Their Evidences (Workbook) – @BakkahPubs
  • 30 x 130 Hadeeth on Manners Workbook – @BakkahPubs
  • 100 x 50 Hadeeth on Personal Hygiene & Purification (Workbook) – @BakkahPubs
  • 104 x Comprehensive Guide for New Muslims – Authored by Anwar Wright and published by @Hikmahpubs

We exhorted our supporters to donate generously and Alhamdulilāh we met and surpassed our goal on December 1, 2022.

The concern by our supporters with regards to helping the incarcerated Muslims learn their religion was a joy to see. We ask all Allah to bless and grant success to everyone that participated in this project, whether monetary or simply just making dua’a.

Our sincere thanks also goes to those individuals who donated almost daily throughout the campaign. May Allah accept your charity and make it heavy on your scales of good deeds.

When the son of Adam dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: Ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge that people benefit from, a pious child who prays for him.” [Muslim].

Alhamdulilāh, It was truly a blessing to provide books that the inmates in this prison could use for the Islamic studies classes conducted by their Muslim chaplain.

UPDATE [December 3, 2022]: The first shipment of 104 copies of “A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim”authored by @anwarphilly and published by @hikmahpubs was sent to the inmates.

More details will added to this page on the status of the remaining shipment of books In shaa Allah.