Brief Summary of our Workflow
Alhamdulilāh while we are working diligently to send the 745 books of our most recent project to various prisons across the United States, it is important to understand the logistics involved in getting Islamic books to the prisons for the Muslim inmates.
Prior to sending books to the prisons, we try to ascertain various information such as the educational needs of the Muslim inmates in each prison to help us determine the type of book and quantity needed.
We also have to ensure that we are in compliance with state laws and regulations in regards to sending books to prisons.
The final process entails waiting for about a few days or weeks to get approval from the prison to send the books we intend to donate to the Muslim inmates.
Even though oftentimes this process can be tedious and time consuming, it is important for us to ensure that the money our donors are contributing to support our projects reach their intended purpose.
We thank Allah first, then our donors, the facilities and the chaplains for their cooperation and support in aiding us to get these books to our incarcerated brothers and sisters.