A few days before the start of the blessed month of Ramadhaan, we launched our Ramadhaan 1443H project on April 7, 2022. Despite our of raising funds to purchase 1000 books we were not able to meet that target by Allah’s decree. Alhamdulilāh our fundraiser ended on May 6, 2022 and announced on that we had raised enough funds to purchase 745 books.
We now shifted our focus on getting the books ordered and shipped but QadrAllah we had some unexpected logistical challenges and inventory shortages as some of the titles we planned to purchase were out of stock. This contributed to the completion delay of this project as we were looking for suitable alternative titles to send to the prisons. We mention this to showcase the challenges and hurdles we sometimes face and as our supporters it is important that we are diligent in ensuring your contributions go towards fulfilling the goals of our projects.
It is a blessing that we were able to distribute by Allah’s permission 745 books to prisons across the country. For us, it was a great delight to contact facilities in different states and offer our service to send books to the incarcerated Muslim in those prisons.
In this project, we made a total of 13 shipments and below is a breakdown of each shipment and a short summary.
70 Books to State Correctional Institute of Albion, PA
Alhamdulilāh we made our first shipment in this project by sending 70 copies of ‘ 40 Hadeeth Workbook to the incarcerated Muslims in State Correctional Institute of Albion, PA.
We then shared this news with our supporters on .
140 Books to the Muslim Inmates Cheshire, Connecticut
In our second shipment of this , we sent 140 copies of @Bakkahpubs‘ “The Never-Ending Trials of Life” to the Muslim inmates in Cheshire, Connecticut. This was our first time sending books to Muslim inmates in that state and as mentioned on our we hope to provide them with more books in shaa Allah.
25 Books to Muslim Inmates Nevada State Prison, Nevada

We shipped 25 copies of @IrpIslamic‘s “Fatāwā Ramadān – Questions & Answers” to the Muslim inmates in a Nevada state prison. This was our first time sending books to prisons in the state of Nevada & we ask Allah to make it beneficial for the inmates!
We also announced on our that the chaplain confirmed that the books had been received walhamdulilāh!
25 Books to Muslim Inmates in Maine State Prison, Maine

Our first project saw us ship 25 copies each of @Bakkahpubs‘ “The Never-Ending Trials of Life” to two prisons in that state. The chaplain served both prisons and wanted us to send books to each of them walhamdulilāh.
We updated our supporters of this shipment via our and we thank Allah for aiding us to assist the incarcerated Muslims.
25 Books to Muslim Inmates in Mt. View Correctional Facility, Maine

Another shipment of 25 copies each of @Bakkahpubs‘ “The Never-Ending Trials of Life” was sent to the Muslim inmates in this facility. This facility and the prior facility mentioned were served by the same chaplain so we combined the shipment into one.
50 Books to Branchville Correctional Facility, Indiana

A total of 50 books were shipped to the Muslim inmates in Branchville Correctional Facility, Indiana. Alhamdulilāh this was our first project in that state and we hope to provide more authentic materials to them in the future in shaa Allah.
As mentioned on our we sent them three varies titles from @ and @:
*Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
*The Prophets Prayer Described.
*The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith
122 Books to SCI – Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania

We notified our followers via that we shipped 122 books comprised of four various titles to the Muslim inmates in SCI – Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania.
These titles were obtained from @ and @:
*The Prophets Prayer Described
* Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
*The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
*The Advice Of Luqman The Wise To His Son
100 books to Donaldson Correctional Facility, Alabama

Alhamdulilāh this was our first ever shipment to the state of Alabama. We sent 100 books comprised of four various titles to the Muslim inmates in Donaldson Correctional Facility, Alabama.
As mentioned on our we hope to send them more authentic books & resources again in shaa Allah.
The titles were from @hikmahpubs and @SalafiBookstore:
*The Advice Of Luqman The Wise To His Son
*The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith
*The Prophets Prayer Described
*Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
55 books to Nebraska Correctional Center for Women

For this shipment, we received approval to send 55 books comprised of four various titles to our incarcerated Muslim sisters at Nebraska Correctional Center for Women. This was our first project in the state of Nebraska as stated on our .
The titles were from @hikmahpubs and @SalafiBookstore:
*The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
*The Prophets Prayer Described
*Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
*The Advice Of Luqman The Wise To His Son
50 books to Salem Correctional Center, West Virginia

We announced on our that we shipped 50 books to our incarcerated brothers in Salem Correctional Center, West Virginia. This was also our first time sending books to the incarcerated Muslims in that state.
The four various titles we shipped were from @hikmahpubs and @SalafiBookstore:
*The Advice Of Luqman The Wise To His Son
*The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
*The Prophets Prayer Described
*Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
25 books to Olympic Corrections Center, Washington State

We announced on our that 25 books were shipped to our incarcerated brothers in Olympic Corrections Center, Washington State.
The titles were from @hikmahpubs and @SalafiBookstore:
*The Advice Of Luqman The Wise To His Son
*The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
*The Prophets Prayer Described
*Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
35 Books to James Bradshaw State Jail, Texas

We announced on our that 35 books were shipped to the Muslim inmates in James Bradshaw State Jail, Texas. This was our very first book project in that state!
The titles were from @hikmahpubs and @SalafiBookstore:
*The Advice Of Luqman The Wise To His Son
*The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith
*The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
*The Prophets Prayer Described
*Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
28 books to Northwest State Correctional Facility, Vermont

As mentioned on our Twitter, we sent 28 books to the Muslim inmates in Northwest State Correctional Facility, Vermont. It was also our first time sending books to Muslim inmates in that state Allahuma Baarik!
We sent them the following titles from @hikmahpubs and @SalafiBookstore:
*The Advice Of Luqman The Wise To His Son
*The Perfume-Seller & the Blacksmith
*The Characteristics of the Slaves of the Merciful
*The Prophets Prayer Described
*Ten Principles Concerning Purification of the Soul
This was our final shipment of this project and thus concluded our 745 books to prisons project across the United States!
We ask Allah to reward and bless everyone that donated and aided us in this project.