Review In Brief- Soorah Al-Israa’ – A 30-day study Workbook
Alhamdulilāh after concluding our fundraising campaign to send 330 copies of the latest workbook published by Bakkah Publications to the Muslim inmates in a Pennsylvania prison for Ramadhaan 1444H. We wanted to provide a brief walkthrough of what the inmates can look forward to with this workbook. They have benefitted a lot from the previous workbooks we sent them and in shaa Allah this workbook will be another excellent addition as well.
The inmates in this particular prison will have the opportunity to take notes and listen to the recordings that go along with their workbooks in shaa Allah.
Tafseer Lessons
This workbook is a 30-day study of the commentary of Imam as-Sa’dee (may Allah have mercy on him) on Soorah Al-Israa, covering different themes and various benefits found in it.
Table of Contents
The table of contents contents show the lessons to be covered for each day in Ramadhaan in shaa Allah.

Progress Tracker
Included in the workbook is a personal progress tracker feature which we hope the inmates can use if they wish to memorize the soorah and also check their study progress.

Quiz Section
A quiz section has also been added making it a great activity for inmates to take the questions together. Once complete, they can utilize the answer key found in the back of the book to see how they fared.

A full translation of the meanings of Soorah Al-Israa in the English language is also included at the end of the book.

The privileges we enjoy and take for granted are not afforded the same to the inmates. Books like these especially during the month of Ramadhaan are pivotal in keeping the incarcerated Muslims busy with beneficial knowledge. Additionally, we hope the recordings will be a means to make them feel connected with their fellow brothers and sisters on the outside who will be studying this book this Ramadhaan in shaa Allah.
May Allah reward the author well for yet another beneficial workbook.